ONE-SENTENCE REVIEW : A solid addition to the Mad Max franchise, this installment, while still a violent motor-pocalypse, provides a layered narrative and somewhat complex characters.
RATING : ⭐⭐⭐.5/⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
TYPE | Tragedy. |
SUPER GENRE | Action. |
APOCALYPTIC: Postapocalyptic. EPIC/SAGA: Person-specific. FAMILY DRAMA: Family Loss. REVENGE/JUSTICE: Settle a score. SURVIVAL: captivity, Nature/Outdoor, Experiences, Rescue. |
VOICE | Traditional voice written for adults and instances of voice over. |
PATHWAY | Between traditional pathway and the road journey. |
POINT OF VIEW | Primary omniscient. |
Directed and produced by George Miller, the movie is the 5th installement
in the Mad Max Cinematic Universe and took 15 years to be written
Dementus, deriving from the Late Latin dementare (from Latin dement- meaning "out of one's mind, mad,"), foretells his gradual descent into madness. His catabase unfolds in three stages, each marked by a distinct color: white, red, and finally, black.
Initially, Dementus is clad in white, reminiscent of the garments worn by ancient Greek wisdom men. This attire presents him as a figure of purity and high intellect. He speaks calmly, his words devoid of violence. This creates a stark contrast to the savage men surrounding him, whose voices blend with the howls of dogs, blurring the line between man and beast.
🔴 RED 🔴
The shift to red signifies a deeper plunge into madness. Metaphorically, The following picture foreshadows the bloodshed he will cause and the perverse joy it will bring him. Even more impactful is the scene from which the picture is taken, where Dementus stands under the "sky blood," as a war boy calls it, in complete silence. This moment is particularly striking in a film that features rhythmic and epic non-diegetic music almost at all times : maybe it serves as an anticipated minute of silence to all the victims for all the victims he will create, or maybe it represents the silence of death, inviting viewers to imagine the screams of the dead.
During this phase, Dementus loses three significant figures: The History Man, symbolizing knowledge; The Healer, representing life; and the Octoboss, embodying the principle of restraint, of death without excess. These losses symbolically strip him of Knowledge, Life, and Restraint, pushing him further into insanity.
The lingering red in his beard and cape serves as a haunting reminder of the blood he has spilled, suggesting that the consequences of his actions will stay with him until there is no "him" left, until his death. In other words he is forever tainted.
In the final stage, draped entirely in black, Dementus loses everyone except his fool, whose madness mirrors his own. This phase signifies a complete loss of sanity and connection to reality. His statement to Furiosa, "already dead," reflects his psychological state—bereft of hope or reason.
The cape worn by Dementus is not merely a costume element; it is a symbolic extension of his psyche. It changes color along with his mental state, reflecting his inner turmoil and descent into madness. This is why when Furiosa wears the cape at the film's end, it leads to his final defeat.
In the case of Furiosa, she embodies a flat arc because her fundamental nature, defined by her name (same as Dementus), remains unchanged. She is fierce and determined from the beginning, and as she ages and faces adversity and violence throughout her life, her fury only intensifies.
The symbolic act of cutting her hair after each "crucial" harrowing experience represents her increasing rage and resilience. It is a ritual that not only signifies her emotional state but also acts as a form of therapy, preventing her from descending into madness like Dementus, and enabling her to grow stronger. Indeed, "Studies have shown that cutting one's hair (especially when going through a traumatic life change, such as a breakup) can provide a sense of control and emotional release. Changing one's hairstyle can also be a powerful tool in helping redefine or solidify one's identity. Even a simple trim has mental health benefits"(2).
After she is kidnapped, Furiosa is ALWAYS depicted in in a balanced mix of the colors red, white, and black, each one representing different facets of her character and journey.
The red symbolizes her fiery anger and the bloodshed she has witnessed and endured. The white stands for her moments of clarity and the remnants of purity and hope within her. The black signifies the darkness and sorrow she has faced.
Unlike Dementus, whose "Black" madness consumes him, Furiosa maintains a balance among these aspects of herself. She navigates the complexities of her past and present without succumbing to despair, emerging as a strong and multidimensional or "multicolored" character.
As evident in the shots above, red is a dominant color, appearing in the car, the rust, and the imagery of fire and blood. Furiosa's face is partially covered in black war makeup, suggesting a connection to death that never fully consumes her. White comes primarly from the lighting and the sky.
In the film's conclusion, this equilibrium is visually encapsulated as Furiosa is shown wearing a three-colored cape. Here, she holds her fury, wisdom, and sorrow in a delicate balance, embodying elements of every shade seen in Dementus. However, instead of allowing these hues to overpower one another, Furiosa blends them together to create a more harmonious color palette.
Furthermore, combining red, white, and black in equal parts results in a darker shade of gray, which perfectly characterizes Furiosa as a morally gray character. She is not purely black or white but exists in the nuanced space in between—an anti-hero who is nonetheless heroic in her actions and motivations.
The periphrase "angel of death" used to describe Furiosa is a powerful and explicit one, that once more highlights her shades' equilibrium : an angel traditionally signifies purity and innocence, typically represented by the color white. In contrast, death is often associated with darkness and finality, symbolized by the color black. Additionally, death evokes images of blood, the cessation of life, and violence, all of which are symbolized by the color red.
We can also add that the use of high key side-lighting in the film, which casts a halo-like 😇 effect over Furiosa's head, further emphasizes her "purity" and "angelic" qualities.
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